Tuesday, March 29, 2016

KR Multicase - Part 2

K-Lite Transport Bag
The cheapest option for getting a new set of KR trays!
Bag can hold 1 full card case, or 2 half-width cases, with
a simple shoulder strap

So I mentioned in a previous post that I needed a solution for transporting my MERCS models.
Initially I thought I would just buy a new set of trays that I could use with my old Kaiser 1 Transport Bag, but it actually worked out cheaper to buy K-Lite Transport Bag, which includes my choice of card cases and trays. Here's what I ended up ordering for KR:
  • K-Lite Transport Bag
  • 2x Half-width Card Cases
  • 3x N3H trays (each tray has 20 model slots 50mm x 32mm x 25mm)
  • 3x M3H trays (each tray has 25 model slots 40mm x 32mm x 25mm)

My package arrived very promptly (5 days after ordering, posted from the UK to Australia - amazing!) and I'm very happy with both service and product from KR Multicase.

I would highly recommend them, and will be going to them for all my miniature transport needs in the future. The case/tray system is a little confusing at first, but check out this video for a better idea on the system.

Two Half-width Card Cases - one of these easily fits into my backpack,
and can hold 60-75 models (depending on which trays I use), and all my
 tokens/templates/cards too.

One half-width card case opened

CCC and EU Inc from MERCS Recon: Counter Threat in an M3H tray.
M3H trays have 25 model slots, and each slot is 40mm x 32mm x 25mm.

Sync out.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

MERCS Recon: SecFor 2 Painted

And here is my second batch of MERCS Recon SecFor models done. I used the same colour palette for these models that I used for my other SecFor models, and I think it achieved what I was aiming for - all my SecFor models look really dark when compared to my MERCS models.

So this week I should have been painting through my other 10 SecFor models, but something sidetracked me and I didn't get any hobby done - but it was nice to have a little break from batch painting!

Sync out.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

MERCS Recon: SecFor 1 Painted

Here's my first batch of SecFor models painted up! With my SecFor models, I am aiming for a very drab colour palette so that they will have a heavy contrast against my brightly coloured MERCS models. I also left the bases black, so the models would be terrain neutral, and suited to office buildings they'll be defending.

Sync out.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Birthday Loot!

A nice haul this year! Apart from the new KR Multicase bag/cases/trays I ordered for MERCS 2.0, I was also able to grab a few extra goodies this year.

Deadzone Deluxe Gaming Mat
I received one of these 2'x2' bad boys as part of the Deadzone
Kickstarter, but since MERCS is played on a 2'x3', I thought I'd grab
another one to complete the board.
Deadzone Resin Equipment Crates
These make really cool objective markers, with the option of having
secret or hidden objectives!

KR Multicase Accessory Case
This was just a little impulse buy, a transport accessory
that also doubles as a dice tray
KR Multicase Accessory Case opened

KR Multicase K-Lite Transport Bag
(I'll do a separate post on this product shortly!)

Sync out.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

MERCS Recon: SecFor Undercoated

I thought I'd get started on painting my MERCS Recon SecFor while the wait for Wave 2 of my MERCS Recon Kickstarter pledge stretches out.

Since these aren't MERCS models and there are 5 identical models with 4 different variants, I'll be batch painting the SecFor models, with the aim of having one batch finished each week.

I use old postage boxes to hold my models in place while I
spray undercoat.

I attach the models to the box using double-sided sticky tape.
Note that the models are not attached to their bases.

Army Painter!

I prefer a very light coat of paint for my undercoats, so as not to
risk losing detail on the models.
It was quite humid today, so not optimum for spray painting,
 but the models should turn out OK after a coat of paint.

Sync out.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Propaganda Posters

I'm in the process of revamping my old District 5 Apartments for MERCS 2.0, and I wanted to print out the MERCS propaganda posters that I used on my Bandua Wargames Buildings.

But the propaganda posters don't seem to be part of the current MERCS Fan Kit, which is available on the MegaCon Games Download Page.

Luckily I was able to dig up the images files from my old laptop, so I thought I would share them in case anyone else wanted them too.
As far as I know there are only poster images available for the first 8 factions - let me know if you have any more that they could share!

Sync out.

Friday, March 11, 2016

KR Multicase - Part 1

My previous post confirmed that I don't need any more terrain or models - but I do need a means of transporting my MERCS models around.

I already have a KR Multicase Kaiser 1 transport bag, which I picked up a while ago to transport my old 40K and Warmachine/Hordes armies - and I love their product. The bag is functional with lots of pockets, the card case is strong and sturdy, and the foam is soft and protective.
But my current set of KR foam trays don't suit MERCS models, since I bought the foam trays for the purpose of transporting my 40K 5th Edition Terminator Deathwing army, or my Warmachine/Hordes armies - all of which have significantly larger models than MERCS.

KR Multicase Kaiser 1 Transport Bag
with KR Standard-Size Card Case inside
with KR foam trays inside the Card Case

Ideally, I would like the following options for transporting my MERCS models:
  • taking one or two MERCS factions for an evening of gaming, or small demos
  • taking all 120 MERCS 2.0 models, for conventions or gaming days

After searching around the KR website and checking out reviews online, I decided on the K-Lite transport bag, with the following selection of card cases and trays:
  • K-Lite Bag
  • 2x Half-width Card Cases
  • 3x N3H trays (each tray has 20 model slots 50mm x 32mm x 25mm)
  • 3x M3H trays (each tray has 25 model slots 40mm x 32mm x 25mm)

The K-Lite transport bag was the cheapest option that included enough card cases and trays that would allow me to transport all 120 MERCS 2.0 models if I need to. And since I already have the Kaiser 1, and the Backpack was out of budget, it was really my only choice.
I already have a standard card case, so I ordered two half-width card cases, so I would have the option of just bringing a half-width case if I needed less than my full collection.

Well, this order is winging it's way over from the UK (to Australia) as I type, so I'll post up once I've got it.

Sync out.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Sync's Terrain Collection

It's that time of year again, and my birthday is coming up - so to help my family decide on what birthday presents to get me, I decided to do an inventory of my MERCS hobby.
With one hundred MERCS models about to be added to my workbench, I don't need any more models to paint, so I thought I'd see if I needed to fill any holes in my terrain collection.

While reviewing my terrain collection, I thought I'd take some photos and throw them up on the blog too, but I should mention that these photos don't include the Sci-Fi Walls Set and District 5 Apartments that I painted up this weekend.
After reviewing my collection, I decided that I don't need any more terrain!

Scatter Terrain
Terrain pieces that only provide half cover.

Two sets of 4-piece resin crates and barrels from eBay

4-piece resin crates from eBay

10-piece resin Parking Pylon set from Secret Weapon Miniatures

5-piece resin Jersey Barrier set from Secret Weapon Miniatures

Four sets of 4-piece MDF Barrier set from Warsenal

3-piece resin/acrylic Alien Objectives set from MicroArts Studio

3-piece resin/acrylic Console Objectives set from MicroArts Studio

Medium Terrain
Terrain pieces that completely block line-of-sight between models

Four sets of 2-piece Sci-Fi Small Containers from Plastcraft Games
(propped up on 3 pieces of 3mm MDF for extra height)

Two sets of 2-piece Shipping Containers from CNC Miniature Scenery

3-piece Holo Ad set from MicroArts Studio

3-piece Sci-Fi Walls set from CNC Miniature Scenery


2 sets of Portable Dice Towers from CNC Miniatures Scenery
(with Sci-Fi Widgets attached)

Three sets of 3-piece Q-Buildings sets from Bandua Wargames

2-piece Sci-Fi Bridges set from CNC Miniatures Scenery


Sync's MERCS Table v2

Navajo Outpost Scenery Pack from Corvus Belli

Mototronica Scenery Pack from Corvus Belli

MERCS v1 Vinyl Maps from Galeforce9 (OOP)

Crossfire Map printed on vinyl from the Michigan MERCS

Downtown Map printed on vinyl from the Michigan MERCS

Deadzone Terrain

Sync out.