Wednesday, February 20, 2019

[USCR] Wrench

This was my first test model for my USCR, and I'm satisfied with difference since painting the USCR for MERCS 1.0.
I've changed the leathers from brown to grey, opted for a lighter shading on the white armour, and am using the secondary red colour to break up the white a little.
Oh, I'm also trying something different with the base markings (after seeing an example from TabletopTerror), and I'm happy with the end result.

Sync out.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Infinity Kurage Station and Warsenal Support Structures Part 2

Kurage Station Scenery Pack

After an hour of construction, my Infinity Scenery Pack for Kurage Station was complete, as were the Warsenal Support Structures!

I won't post all of my photos, but for anyone interested you can check out this BeastsOfWar Unboxing video, and for anyone looking for instructions on assembly can check out this BeastsOfWar Terrain Building video for the Neon Lotus Scenery Pack (which uses the same format for the cardboard pieces).

Assembled Building
Assembled Service Cube

Warsenal Support Structures

Building Supports

Three different MDF pieces to make 4 Building Supports
Assembled Building Support
Assembled Building Support (turned upside down)

Service Box Supports

Three different MDF pieces to make 6 Box Supports
Assembled Box Supports

Walkway Supports

Two acrylic pieces to support the walkways
Sliding an acrylic piece into the underside of the Walkway


I love the Kurage Station Scenery Pack! There is a great level of detail, the grey colour palette really appeals to me for use with MERCS, and for the price it's a bargain.
This set realises my preference for brightly coloured miniatures set against sombre tabletop terrain - moreso than the Mototronica and Navajo Outpost sets do, and the detailing on the pieces is just phenomenal.
And although it is very lightweight cardboard terrain (and easily knocked around the table), I believe that the aesthetic appeal and the low cost far outweigh the functional limitations of cardboard terrain.

The Warsenal Support Structures are great, and mitigate the drawbacks of the lightweight cardboard terrain very well.
They're easy to assemble, provide excellent structural support, and fit into their cardboard counterparts well.
The exception are the Box Supports which, once inserted to the cardboard boxes, do not allow the boxes to be assembled as intended - but I solved this problem by gluing the cardboard pieces together instead of using the cardboard insert slots.

PVA glue used to close the Service Boxes.
The Service boxes were then left overnight
under compression to seal the bond.

Full battleground pictures coming up soon - stay tuned!
Sync out.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Infinity Kurage Station and Warsenal Support Structures Part 1

Yes, I have enough terrain. And no, it's not enough terrain.
That being said, during my 18 month hiatus from MERCS and blogging here, I added the Neon Lotus and Kurage Station Infinity Scenery Packs to my collection (my experience with the Moto.tronic Scenery Pack can be found here, and Navajo Outpost can be found here).
I also picked up the Warsenal Infinity Scenery Pack Support Structures to add some weight and support to them.

Kurage Station
Neon Lotus

Since their release I've been a huge fan of these Infinity Scenery Packs, especially for MERCS, which only needs one of these sets for a full table of terrain - though I would recommend adding a few elements of half-cover 'scatter' terrain pieces too.

So, I'll be starting with Kurage Station and the Warsenal Support Structures for it, and already have the Game Mat laminated for some durability.

Sync out.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Sync's back... again... again!

I've finished painting my Deadzone Forge Fathers, and I've started work on my USCR - so I'm officially back into MERCS, and hoping that this latest wave of MERCS motivation is enough to get me painting through a few factions.

So I dug up my MERCS collection (pictured above) and am trying to organise some local games.
Oh, that awesome deckbox has all the stat cards for my painted MERCS factions.

Back in July 2017 (two blog posts ago) Megacon Games made the MERCS 2.0 rules and stat cards available for free download.
So I printed those rules out and put them in this binder display book, which I'll be carrying around with me, and saving my beautiful MERCS 2.0 hardback rulebook from wear and tear.

Sync out.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

USCR - Undercoated

After Brian Shotton's recent comments in the MegaCon MERCS Community facebook group (found on this post here), I found myself unexpectedly motivated to get my MERCS on.
I'm cautiously optimistic about the future of MERCS - the fact that Megacon are actively thinking about the system is a positive step, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and see where it goes.

So, as I was priming some Deadzone Forge Father models, and thought I might as well prime a MERCS faction as well.
I'll finish painting my Deadzone faction first, and I'll see where my MERCS motivation is after that.

Sync out.