Tuesday, May 31, 2016

[KemVar] Reinforcements Painted!

Wrench, Spy, Sniper

Next off the line for my MERCS Recon Kickstarter Wave 2 shipment are the KemVar! Three more great additions to the faction, with great dynamic poses that align very nicely with the KemVar aesthetic.

Stay tuned - individual model photos this week!
Sync out.

Friday, May 27, 2016

[EU Inc] Sniper

Even though this is a fairly standard sniper pose, it was still fun to paint this model!
This rounds off the EU Inc models I received as part of Wave 2 - just waiting on the All Your MERCS Are Belong to Us add-on to be shipped and I'll finish out my EU Inc.

Sync out.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

[EU Inc] Monkeywrench

Another solid model to add to the EU Inc line-up! I actually tried a few different colours on the repair kit (on his right thigh) to make it stand out a little more, but I couldn't get it to look right - so I just stuck with a simple metallic look for his tools.

Sync out.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

[EU Inc] Demo

I love the pose on this model and it's definitely one of my favorite EU Inc models so far - but I'll wait until I have all the models (including the tasty looking Heavy model)  before I decide on my favorite!

Sync out.

Monday, May 23, 2016

[EU Inc] Reinforcements Painted!

Wrench, Demo, Sniper

I kicked off my latest painting binge with the additional EU Inc models that arrived as part of the MERCS Recon Kickstarter Wave 2 shipment.
I have to say, I missed painting MERCS, and it was good to dust of my paints and brushes after painting Wave 1 three months ago!

Stay tuned for individual model photos, which I'll post during the week!
Sync out.

Friday, May 20, 2016

All Your MERCS Are Belong to Us

On a quiet afternoon in the office, I decided to take an inventory of my MERCS models for each faction.
I thought I'd share a screenshot of my spreadsheet if anyone was interested - the models with blanks next to their names are yet to come, as part of the All Your MERCS Are Belong to Us add-on for the MERCS Recon Kickstarter.

Click to enlarge

So there are 38 models still to come as part of the All Your MERCS Are Belong to Us add-on:
  • CCC (2)
    • Booster
    • Spotter
  • EU Inc (2)
    • Heavy
    • Spotter
  • KemVar (2)
    • Demo
    • Booster
  • Keizai Waza (2)
    • Forward Observer
    • Spotter
  • FCC House 9 (3)
    • Pack Rat
    • Shock Trooper
    • Liaison
  • USCR (4)
    • Medic
    • Monkeywrench
    • Behemoth (original sculpt)
    • Heavy
  • sefadu (4)
    • Medic
    • Demo
    • Heavy
    • Shock Trooper
  • Texico (4)
    • Heavy
    • Demo
    • Eagle
    • Breacher
  • ISS (4)
    • Booster
    • Demo
    • Heavy
    • Calypso
  • FCC House 4 (4)
    • Sapper
    • Heavy
    • Medic
    • Shock Trooper
  • EIC (4)
    • Booster
    • Assimilator
    • Breacher
    • Heavy
  • GCC (3)
    • Judge (original sculpt)
    • Booster
    • Heavy

Sync out.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

MERCS Recon Paint Palettes

I made sure to snap some photos of the paints I used while I was painting through the MERCS models which arrived as part of the MERCS Recon Kickstarter Wave 1 shipment.

Now that I'm painting more models for these factions, I dug up the photos again, and I thought I'd share them for anyone interested - but mostly for my own reference.

EU Inc - note repainted armour with Trollblood Highlight
Keizai Waza

Sync out.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Sync's Hobby Goals - MERCS 2.0

Last week I completed construction of all the MERCS that have arrived as part of the MERCS Recon Kickstarter Wave 2 shipment.

I've decided to revise my hobby goals to something more achievable and less likely to burn me out.
I'm aiming to paint 3 models per week, instead of the 5 models per week I was pushing through when Wave 1 was delivered, which I think is achievable, and gives me a little breathing room.

Over the past weekend, I managed to get some models undercoated, and I'll be painting through them this week - so stay tuned!

Sync out.

Friday, May 13, 2016

GCC - Assembled

And finally, the GCC! This is probably the faction I was looking forward to putting together the most, so I saved them for last - I love the aesthetic, and after putting them together they're at the top of the list to become my 'main' faction.

Here are the GCC models from the Unilateral Mandate MERCS Recon expansion, plus the Sniper, Judge and Spy (which were all Stretch Goal bonuses from the Kickstarter).

Judge, Breacher, Tribunal

Chief, Sniper, Demo



Sync out.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

EIC - Assembled

EIC are a new faction for MERCS 2.0, and I was pretty keen on getting these guys together. They have a very unique aesthetic, which I think works very well with their theme, and I'm interested to see how the fare on the tabletop.

Here are the EIC models from the Unnamed Assimilation MERCS Recon expansion, plus the Sniper.

Demo / Shock Trooper / Engineer

Leader / Breacher / Sniper

Sync out.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

FCC House 9 - Assembled

The FCC House 9 were one of the original four MERCS factions, and I absolutely love the new additions here - the Sniper looks very cool, and the Spy's wicked blade looks like it could do some serious damage.
It would have been nice if the Engineer and/or Juicer models were resculpted to give them different poses though.

The Housemaster's arm/weapon piece I received was also terribly miscast - the ammo feed is bent terribly out of shape, the barrel of the weapon is also bent and the shoulder joins don't meet flush with torso.
So the FCC House 9 will join the sefadu at the back of my painting queue!

Here are the FCC House 9 models from the Silent Operative expansion pack, plus the sniper.

Engineer, Spy, Boomer

Juicer, Sniper, Housemaster


Housemaster - miscast arms/weapon

Housemaster - miscast arms/weapon

Sync out.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

ISS - Assembled

Looking back at MERCS 1.0, I'd have to say that the ISS were some of my favorite models, and the new Spy and Shock Trooper models are great additions to the faction.

Here are the ISS models from the Covert Acquisition MERCS Recon expansion, plus the sniper.

Oh, note that I haven't attached the Leader's shield to the model just yet - it's much easier to paint them separately and attach the pieces after painting.

Heavy, Spy, Leader

Shock Trooper, Sniper, Wavefinder

Sync out.

Monday, May 9, 2016

sefadu - Assembled

The MERCS 2.0 construction continues with the sefadu! I've been a fan of the sefadu aesthetic since they were announced way-back-when, and assembling them in plastic was a real treat.

I'm really happy to have the sefadu Leader in plastic now! My old metal sefadu Leader model has had his spear snap off twice - though I admit I only used greenstuff and superglue, when I should have pinned the join as well.

Unfortunately, my sefadu Gunner did not come with a left arm, so this faction will be at the end of my painting queue until I can get an arm sent over.
While missing pieces are a bother, they're not completely unexpected - hopefully no other pieces are missing as part of my Wave 2 Kickstarter delivery!

Here are the sefadu from the Terminus Maneuver expansion, plus the Sniper, minus the Gunner's left arm.

Leader, Engineer, Berserker

Pathfinder, Gunner, Sniper

sefadu Gunner missing left arm!

Sync out.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Texico - Assembled

As part of the MERCS Recon Kickstarter I received an alternate sculpt of the Marshal model - and while I do have a healthy fear of Chuck Norris (based on internet memes) I made a conscious decision to stick with the original, classic, Marshal model... for now.

I love the new Texico models that have been added as part of MERCS 2.0 - I particularly like the Ranger model, and he's probably the Texico model I'm most looking forward to painting.

Here are the Texico models from the Omega Precedent MERCS Recon expansion, plus the Sniper.

Jaguar, Ranger, Sniper

Engineer, Marshal, Leader

Sync out.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

FCC House 4 - Assembled

The FCC House 4 faction was released during MERCS 1.0, but I never managed to pick up the set!
I had already backed the MERCS Recon Kickstarter before the models were stocked in Australia - so after a long wait I was really excited to finally receive the models and put them together.

I really like the Engineer and Priest, but the Demo model looks very awkward to me - I'll see how he looks after some paint.
Here are the FCC House 4 models from the Shadow Edict MERCS Recon expansion, plus the Sniper.

Priest, Survivalist, Steward

Engineer, Demo, Sniper

Sync out.

Friday, May 6, 2016

USCR - Assembled

This is the real reason anyone backed the MERCS Recon Kickstarter - the alternate USCR Behemoth sculpt!
This one bad motherlover, even if his battle hammer needs to be bent back into shape...

Behemoth (alternate sculpt)
on 40mm base

And let's not forget his comrades in arms - the USCR Recon team from the Critical Extraction Mission Pack (plus Sniper):

Commissar, Gunner, Pathfinder

Engineer, Sniper, Booster

Sync out.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Assassination Protocol Reinforcements - Assembled

MERCS 2.0 assembly continues with the KemVar and Keizai Waza models that arrived as part of Wave 2 of the MERCS Recon Kickstarter delivery!

A bit more work needs to be done on the models - I'll have to use the hot/cold water technique to straighten the sniper rifles.
I also decided not to attach the Keizai Waza Sniper's head to the rest of the body, as it will be much easier to paint under the cloak with the pieces separate.

KemVar - Wrench, Spy, Sniper

Keizai Waza - Booster, Demo, Sniper

Sync out.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Counter Threat Reinforcements - Assembled

I spent last night assembling the CCC and EU Inc models that arrived in my MERCS Recon Kickstarter Wave 2 delivery.
I really wanted to press on and keep working on my new MERCS models, but there's just not enough time in the day! Hopefully tonight I'll be able to get through the KemVar and Keizai Waza models.

The CCC Heavy Assault model is still one of my all-time favorite MERCS models, and assembling him in plastic was an absolute breeze!
I really like the look of the EU Inc Demo model as well - probably the EU Inc model I'm most looking forward to painting!

CCC - Medic, Heavy, Sniper

EU Inc - Wrench, Demo, Sniper

Sync out.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

MERCS Recon Wave 2 Has Arrived!

I was very excited to come home last night to find my MERCS Recon Wave 2 delivery waiting for me!
Here are some quick unboxing photos I took last night before a quick inventory, then settling down to read through the MERCS 2.0 rulebook.

Big box of MERCS Recon goodness!
2 year old daughter's foot and Twirlywoo toy for scale

All Mission Packs Add-on.
Cat Tower game for scale
(everyone has Cat Tower right?)

All Faction Decks, additional MERCS Recon cards, Lockdown Deck,
Doors stands and MERCS card sleeves

Baggies for individual models that aren't part of the Mission Packs

MERCS Lockdown rules and board tile, MERCS 2.0 Rulebook (tome!)
and The Workers Heart book.

Ready for some bedtime reading!

Sync out.