Thursday, February 14, 2019

Infinity Kurage Station and Warsenal Support Structures Part 1

Yes, I have enough terrain. And no, it's not enough terrain.
That being said, during my 18 month hiatus from MERCS and blogging here, I added the Neon Lotus and Kurage Station Infinity Scenery Packs to my collection (my experience with the Moto.tronic Scenery Pack can be found here, and Navajo Outpost can be found here).
I also picked up the Warsenal Infinity Scenery Pack Support Structures to add some weight and support to them.

Kurage Station
Neon Lotus

Since their release I've been a huge fan of these Infinity Scenery Packs, especially for MERCS, which only needs one of these sets for a full table of terrain - though I would recommend adding a few elements of half-cover 'scatter' terrain pieces too.

So, I'll be starting with Kurage Station and the Warsenal Support Structures for it, and already have the Game Mat laminated for some durability.

Sync out.


  1. If you are going to use the Neon Lotus set instead of the Kurage Station set I would strongly advise in getting a couple of the PlastCraft games Bridge and Stairway sets ( as it fits in perfectly and gives you more stair options!

    1. Wow, those look fantastic and would be a great addition to the Neon Lotus set!
