Friday, October 28, 2016

[CCC] Complete!

Well, here are my CCC, all painted and ready for the tabletop! I'm really happy with how the yellow turned out, and I have a huge feeling of accomplishment and pride in finally having four completed MERCS factions painted and ready for the table.

I'm not sure what faction I'll paint next, but when I decide I'll be sure to post my progress!
Sync out.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

[CCC] Booster

And the last model for the CCC, the Booster! Another great addition to the CCC range, this model’s facial expression adds a lot of character, and the rolled up sleeves is a unique look as well.
That’ll do it for the CCC – faction photo up later this week!

Sync out.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

[CCC] Spotter

I love this model's camo cloak, and I will admit that I could have put a lot more effort into a cooler colour scheme. But even with the shade of midnight grey on the cloak, I think he looks decent, and ready for the tabletop!

Sync out.

Friday, October 21, 2016

[EU Inc] Complete!

And here's the completed EU Inc faction! Great looking models, and I'm particularly happy with how the colour scheme turned out, even after having to repaint the first 5 models!

Out of the four factions I've been painting for MERCS 2.0, these were the only ones that I hadn't painted before as part of MERCS 1.0, so I always looked forward to painting them.

Stay tuned, next week I'll hopefully be able to post up photos of my CCC.
Sync out.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

[EU Inc] Heavy

Even though his pose is similar to the EU Inc Demo, I love the stance and think it really suits the Heavy model.
Well, that's it - the last model for my EU Inc! I'll have the complete faction photo up by the end of the week, so stay tuned.

Something weird is happening with the other photo I took of this model - I'm getting some error that I haven't encountered before in all my years of blogging. I'll take another photo later and upload it when I can.

Sync out.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

[EU Inc] Spotter

Here's the EU Inc Spotter model, which has a pretty standard  spotter  kind of pose, and suits the model's support role well.

The Spotter support class are a new addition to MERCS 2.0, and I'm keen to see if they are able to earn their positions on the tabletop.

Sync out.

Friday, October 14, 2016

[Keizai Waza] Complete!

And that'll do it for the Keizai Waza! Out of all the new plastic MERCS models I've worked with, these were by far the hardest to clean and assemble, with difficult mold lines making it a bit of a chore.

That being said, I'm happy with how my models turned out, even with my inferior assembly skills.
I'm also really happy with how the orange turned out - I used a different recipe for the orange on my MERCS 1.0 Keizai Waza, and this newer orange is much closer to the orange used in the faction artwork.

Next week, EU Inc - stay tuned!
Sync out.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

[Keizai Waza] Forward Observer

I am really falling behind on my blogging! I’ve been using all my spare time to paint models, and haven't been able to get around to taking photos or blogging.
I actually finished off my EU Inc last week, but haven’t been able to take photos yet – hopefully I’ll have something up next week!

Anyways, here is the Keizai Waza Forward Observer, another great model to make it from MERCS 1.0 to 2.0.
I’ll have the whole faction photo up later this week – stay tuned!

Sync out.

Friday, October 7, 2016

[Keizai Waza] Spotter

I'm so glad I've finished the Keizai Waza models! I think they turned out OK, even with my sub-par assembly and cleaning - but I don't think it was any secret that the sculpts for these models came out terribly, with a lot of flash and mold lines.

The Spotter's dynamic pose made him hard to get in focus for photos, but I think I captured the two angles that show the pose best.

Sync out.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

[KemVar] Complete!

My first completed squad for MERCS 2.0 - KemVar! Here's a quick-and-dirty group shot of the KemVar set up on my easily accessible Corvus Belli Navajo Outpost Scenery Pack.
These models were really fun to paint, and I'm keen to see how they fare on the table in MERCS 2.0!

For my KemVar page check out my [KemVar] page under the MERCS 2.0 section of my blog, or for all KemVar related posts, follow the KemVar tag here.

Sync out.