Active Camouflage - KemVar is always considered to be at one higher tier of cover than their position as long as their armour hasn't failed.
What does that mean in practice? If a KemVar model is in
- the open, with No Cover, any shot against them counts as Weak Cover (+1FN)
- Weak Cover, any shot against them counts as Strong Cover (+3FN)
- Strong Cover, well, you technically can't draw LOS to them to take a shot anyway
That means that a KemVar model that has elevation and cover would have a +4FN modifier to any shots fired on them. When the general FN of models is FN6, you'd already be at FN10 to make your shot!
At a glance this seems like a very overpowered Corporate Trait, but here are some pointers to ensure fun and balanced MERCS games. Note that while this was written with KemVar in mind, it does apply across all factions.
MERCS Appropriate Terrain
Firstly, ensure you are playing on MERCS appropriate terrain.
Specifically, ensure terrain elements that offer optimum firing positions (that is, both elevation and weak cover) are limited and are located mid-field.
This ensures that both teams have an equal opportunity to secure these positions, and the most valuable firing positions on the field are rare and have to be fought for.
As an extreme example, if you put all the buildings that provided elevated cover in the KemVar deployment zone, then the KemVar would have very little motivation to give up their prime firing positions to expose themselves - they would just sit there and shoot down the opposition that came towards them.
A good example of MERCS appropriate terrain from the rulebook |
Similar to the extreme example above, if there are no in-game objectives or missions to accomplish, once a KemVar model has secured an optimum firing position, there is very little incentive for them to move from it and expose themselves.
This is where good missions and scenarios significantly improve games - by helping to ensure units are forced into action, as well as adding an element of narrative to the game.
Squad Selection - Template Weapons and Armour Failure
It should be noted that Active Camo only affects weapons with an FN - so things like grenades thrown at the ground, that auto-hit anything within their template, are not affected.
Furthermore, note that the Active Camo ability does not work once a KemVar unit's armour has failed - some units have abilities focused on causing armour to fail, which is invaluable against Active Camo.
This battle report (specifically Game 2) shows how it's done. After the KemVar stole Game 1 by surprising the CCC with their speed, the CCC then played defensively and brought their template weapons to bear. The template weapons destroyed the KemVar - the Incinerator's flame thrower, the Demo's Frag Grenades and the Leader's Emp Grenades made short work of the KemVar.
Sync out.